Ontario Lacrosse Association Substance Misuse Policy Last Updated: February 2, 2025
The Ontario Lacrosse Association recognizes the detrimental effects of tobacco, drug and alcohol use as it relates to lacrosse. This policy identifies the standard of behavior which is expected of all OLA members and participants, including players, guardians, parents, coaches, trainers, team managers, officials, volunteers, committee representatives, and administrators. Under this policy, OLA participants must refrain from any activity or behavior which may disrupt or interfere with competition, or endanger the safety of themselves or any other person. Violations of this policy may also be addressed under the OLA’s Code of Conduct process.
1. Minor lacrosse. The use of tobacco in any form, recreational and/or non-prescribed drugs, and alcohol by all members and participants before, during or following Ontario Lacrosse Association-sanctioned minor lacrosse practices, games , and events is strictly prohibited. Spectators, including parents of participating players, may be ejected from any venue where an administrator or event representative suspects or believes that this section of the policy may have been violated, and additional fines may be assessed to clubs for violations of this section by participants who belong to that club.
2. Direct participants in junior and senior lacrosse. The use of tobacco in any form, recreational and/or non-prescribed drugs, and alcohol by all active participants (players, team personnel, officials, administrators and individuals in similar positions) before or during Ontario Lacrosse Association-sanctioned junior and senior lacrosse practices and games is strictly prohibited.
3. Spectators in junior and senior lacrosse. The responsible personal use of alcohol, legal recreational drugs and tobacco by all other attendees at OLA-sanctioned junior and senior lacrosse events is permitted only in areas which are designated, licensed and/or approved for such activities, and only in a manner which does not discredit or disgrace the OLA or the sport of lacrosse, or disrupt any game or event in progress. At the OLA’s sole discretion, junior and senior lacrosse hosting teams may be ordered to arrange for adequate supervision or security.
4. Other OLA events. The responsible use of alcohol, legal recreational drugs and tobacco for personal use by members of the Ontario Lacrosse Association at other OLA events, including the hospitality portions of the Annual General Meeting and Semi-Annual General Meeting, the Ontario Lacrosse Hall of Fame Induction ceremony, the Ontario Lacrosse Hall of Fame Golf Tournament and any similar event which is not explicitly stated in this section, is permitted only in areas which are designated, licensed and/or approved for such activities, and only in a manner which does not discredit or disgrace the OLA or the sport of lacrosse.
5. Know the rules. The sale or provision of alcoholic beverages or spirits by the sponsoring club or hosting organization at any minor event sanctioned by the Ontario Lacrosse Association is prohibited. Disciplinary action will be taken by the Board of Directors on any violation of this regulation (MR 7.12[a]). Any player, coach, manager, club official or game official who is in charge of a team or comes into direct contact with a team during games in league or tournament play, whose actions appear to be caused by drugs or alcohol, may be given a minimum of one year’s suspension and must apply for reinstatement upon termination of suspension (MR 10.11). No coach, manager, club official, player or game official shall be allowed to smoke or use any tobacco products in the player’s bench, penalty box, or dressing room (MR 10.12). Consumption of alcohol in unlicensed areas during minor lacrosse events, including the parking lot of a facility, is strictly prohibited.
6. Applying this policy. Members of the Ontario Lacrosse Association are encouraged to contact police services or other appropriate authorities when individuals are involved in practices or behaviors that violate this policy. Administrators are not expected to directly engaging anyone suspected of infringing any section of this policy, as it may place them in danger. The Ontario Lacrosse Association is committed to fully cooperating with law enforcement in criminal investigations where the use or misuse of tobacco, drugs and alcohol are involved, including in situations that may result in civil and/or criminal liability for individuals who violate this policy. Notwithstanding any part of this section, game officials are authorized to remove and report any individual suspected of infringing any section of this policy, and the OLA will take action where participants are found to have violated this policy.
7. Consequences for identifiable individuals who violate this policy. Where individuals can be independently identified as committing actions which discredit or disgrace the OLA or the sport of lacrosse, or disrupt any game or event, and for which alcohol use or misuse is found to be a factor, the OLA reserves the right to expel from or refuse entry into any facility or event for a period of time not exceeding two years, depending on the nature of the violation.
8. Consequences for clubs whose participants violate this policy at Minor Lacrosse Events. The purpose of this policy is to encourage clubs to maintain control of their participants and spectators. The OLA will investigate breaches of this policy which, at its sole discretion, are found to be detrimental to its reputation, safety or obligation. Clubs are notified that they may be held accountable for violations, including by spectators who are responsible for minor lacrosse athletes, according to the following fine amounts.
a. $500.00/instance where individuals are found to be consuming alcohol in an unlicensed or undesignated area; b. $250.00/instance where such consumption takes place in near proximity to participants in U13 or below; c. $250.00/instance where such consumption takes place inside of a facility in an unlicensed or undesignated area; d. $250.00/instance where consumption occurs in large groups (defined as six or more adults); e. $250.00/instance where individuals fail to comply with directions given by OLA representatives; f. Up to $1,000 when law enforcement is requested to attend where alcohol has caused a disruption of an event; g. Up to $1,000 for any other behavior not specified within this section, but which is determined by the OLA at its
sole discretion to discredit or disgrace the OLA or the sport of lacrosse, or disrupt any game or event, for which alcohol use or misuse is found to be a factor.
9. As times change. No matter its legal status within Canada, marijuana/cannabis remains classified as a prohibited substance in sport under the Canadian Anti-Doping Program and World Anti-Doping Agency, both of which the OLA complies with. Separately, the provincial government of Ontario has begun permitting “tailgating” at semi-professional sporting events, which may include Junior-Senior games. In these instances, only parking lots or venues within a reasonable distance from a major sports complex would be eligible to apply for a Special Occasion Event Tailgating Permit for the date and time of the event. Without a Special Occasion Event Tailgating Permit, all applicable provincial laws and municipal bylaws surrounding public consumption and intoxication remain in effect. Minor Lacrosse events are ineligible for Special Occasion Event Tailgating Permits under this policy. Notwithstanding any of the above, OLA members and participants and attendees are required to act lawfully at all times.